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Cards 21

Cards 21 is a very addictive strategy card game. If you like solving puzzles or playing classic card games such as Solitaire, Spades, etc. then Cards 21 is for you!

Cards 21


Category: Puzzle

Played 708 times


It is an easy-to-play game in which you get 3 lives. The player gets four platforms where he/she needs to place the cards. The player needs to place the cards in such a way that the sum total makes 21 in each column. Sounds easy? Isn't it? But let us unfold the twist too. The player can use a maximum of 5 cards only in order to add up to 21 otherwise he will lose a life. He can also lose if the grand total of the cards becomes more than 21. The good part of the game is that there is no time boundation. You can also get extra points with our additional features! This simple card game will puzzle your mind for hours of enjoyment. Have a great time playing Cards 21 game. Play it NOW!

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